Saturday, December 25, 2010
How Bali people doing business?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Why start a business?
1. Don’t Start a Business for the sake of MONEY
Top on the list of reasons why people go into business is the strong desire to amass wealth. I have never known of a more ineffective way to think about business than this. As unpopular as it might sound, most business failures stem from this singular fact alone. Why? Because the moment making money becomes your primary focus as an entrepreneur, delivering value which is the foundation of effective business practice becomes secondary. And when this happens, no matter how great your business is, it automatically goes on a downward spin. Nothing kills a business faster than putting money first before adding value. So when next you’re thinking about starting up a business, I suggest you lose every possible thought about making money and focus entirely on delivering consistently superior value. Trust me, I’m talking from experience (of other people), starting your own business for the purpose of making money is a sure fire way of being highly indebted and having cardiac arrest!
2. Don’t Start a Business because you LOST your job
Closely related to the issue of money is going into business because you lost your job. As you’ve probably realized, this is how many people end up as entrepreneurs. At first glance, there might not be anything wrong with this approach of starting up a business, but taking a closer look will reveal a vital truth; people who lose their jobs are often driven by fear and to start a business because you are afraid is absolutely disastrous. The implication is often enormous; top on the list is that you will never exercise the due diligence starting a new business entails. Why? Because the fear of living without a regular income since you no longer have a job will keep haunting you and eventually start making you place unrealistic financial expectations on your new business venture. Second on the list is that you are emotionally unstable the first few months of losing a job, especially when you didn’t see it coming. The disappointment can be disheartening, the more reason why you shouldn’t go into business with such a mind frame. Why? Because in the world of business, disappointments are a natural prerequisite for success. Meaning, the more disappointments you get, the closer you are to success.
3. Don’t Start a Business because you HAVE money
I know you’re probably startled about this one. You certainly didn’t see it coming. Well, it’s as wrong as starting a business for the sake of making money. How? Here’s the thing most people with money don’t realize, it doesn’t take money alone to make a business work. Starting and running a business will cost you more than all the money you think you have. There are just too many things a business will demand from you that money can’t even buy, for example; how much does it cost to buy the passion needed to build a SIGNIFICANT (unique and useful) business? Have you ever seen passion being offered for sale? In fact, no university or institute of learning can even teach you passion (not even Harvard or Stanford). Here’s the truth, having money is good, but it’s not sufficient enough to make you want to start a business. Starting a business requires gut, passion, ingenuity, creativity, resilience and so many other personal character traits that all the money in the world is insufficient to buy!
4. Don’t Start a Business because you want TIME Freedom
The thought of not having to wake up early and rush off to work can be very enticing to would be entrepreneurs. But take it from me, I’ve been in the game now for 4 years; the fact that you didn’t wake up early and rushed off to work doesn’t mean you are not at work. Being an entrepreneur means working all of the time even in your sleep. That your fantasy of time freedom will naturally go sore once you choose to become your own boss. How do I mean? You see, it’s not that you wouldn’t have more time to yourself when you’re an entrepreneur, certainly you would. But the irony of it all is this; that time freedom is for you to do some creative work and not for you to be idle and indulge yourself in some unproductive activity. You left your job to have enough time to do what you really care about in life, that’s all the definition of time freedom you’ll ever get – having enough time to make a SIGNIFICANT contribution with your life to the world. True entrepreneurs hardly stay idle indulging in pleasurable activities just because they have time freedom. They are always in the creative process, picking up clues here and there of how they can make the world a better place by utilizing their time, money and life for something worthwhile.
5. Don’t Start a Business because OTHERS are doing it
Anything that is popular has a way of being highly contagious. People just literally jump at it without any logical explanation. Believe it or not, this is how so many people ended up in the world of business. Since everyone they know is quitting their 9-to-5 jobs to go start their own thing, why shouldn’t they do the same? The down side of going with the bandwagon is this; you’ll lack the staying power critical to survival in the world of business. At first, the thought of being your own boss can be very enticing, but sooner or later you’ll realize it’s not a bed of roses. And when this reality sets in, you’re the only one who would be left alone to figure out a way of making it through the stormy days. So start a business because it’s what your soul desires and not what the society or your peers desires for you. Starting your own business is not about boosting your personal ego or winning a popularity contest, it’s a personal decision born out of an internal conviction!
6. Don’t Start a Business because you HATE working for others
Now here comes the tricky one; starting a business because you hate working for others. After wanting to make money, this is another popular reason people give for going into business. Listen, as popular as it may seem, here’s the truth; 99% of popular things are either totally wrong or mere misconceptions. That you hate working for others is no guarantee that you will succeed or enjoy working for yourself. In fact, there’s more work to do working for yourself than you ever thought you did working for others. So if you hate working for others, you might just as well hate working for yourself. What it turns out to be sincerely is this; you simply don’t like work in general and this is why starting your own business is the last thing you should ever think of doing. Why? Because business is the domain of unlimited work; there are no working hours like your regular 9-to-5 job. Welcome to the 24/7/365 days a year working schedule!
7. Don’t Start a Business just LIKE everybody else (Differentiate or Die)
In my field of business development, I have seen so many people go into business just because they saw somebody else succeeding in it. This is a higher form of going into business because others are doing (point #5 above). You observe a business and simply go make a clone of such business. So what do we get? The same kind of business but with different brand names. I don’t get it; “Why would any right thinking person choose to be a duplicate of another when it’s absolutely possible to excel being an original?” As a matter of fact, you have higher chances of succeeding going into business as an innovator than being a duplicator.
The business terrain is already overcrowded filled with countless number of companies doing almost the same thing you have in mind to do. Unlike in the past before the advent of the internet where you had only local or national competitors, such is no longer the case in this age of globalization. Now your competitors are all over the world and just one click away from your local or national target market. So why would you want to build a business just like your neighbor? Here’s the deal; if your business doesn’t stand for somethingSIGNIFICANT (unique and useful) there’s no need repeating what others have already done and giving it another name. Meaning, if there’s nothing positively unusual about your business, don’t bother going into business to offer the same old milk but now in a new brand skin or container. Doing this is the fastest way of route to extinction. In other words, differentiate or die!
8. Don’t Start a Business without SUFFICIENT planning
Business is a highly complex activity and therefore requires adequate planning. It’s been statistically proven that inadequate planning is top among the reasons why most businesses fail. I’m sure you already know that by now (that’s why it’s the second to the last point). Why then did I include it in the list? Because most times, the problem is not about what we don’t know but more of what we do know but never put to use or practice. There’s a phrase that best captures the essence of planning and it goes like this; “He who fails to plan, plans to fail”. And a key element of planning is having a long term perspective of things or as it is popularly called;seeing the big picture. Which intentionally, happens to be the subject matter of the next point to which we now turn.
9. Don’t Start a Business that cannot OUTLIVE you
One of the underlying principles of the Accounting profession is called; “going concern” which means that a business must be in perpetuity. That is, a business is meant to exist as far as there’s still a need to be met. It’s just basic human nature; I mean who wants to raise a child only to watch the child die before their eyes? In the same regard, you should never start a business that has a short lifespan. Starting a business from a short term or temporary viewpoint, as far as I’m concerned is the definition of selfishness. Why build something temporary when you have the potential to create something eternal? The joy of any creator is to see his/her creation rise above their widest dream and outlive the very existence of the creator. So here’s the ultimate question for you; “does your business have the capacity to outlive you?” OR “Would your business still be in existence long after you’ve gone?” Never start or go into a new business without asking and providing answer to either of these questions.
Start a business because you have something SIGNIFICANT (unique & useful) to contribute to the benefit of the human race!
Because a business is a tool that entrepreneurs create in order to make a SIGNIFICANT (unique & useful) contribution to the world by addressing a particular problem plaguing the human race.
In case you’re still wondering how to use your business as a tool for contributing something SIGNIFICANT(unique & useful) to the human race.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Leaders Are Made, Not Born
These questions are necessary for every leader to address in order to create a great organization.
1. Become a Great Leader: How will you develop yourself and hold yourself accountable as a leader?
2. Plan: What will it take to create a useful business plan?
3. Surround Yourself With Great People: How will you attract and honor your team?
4. Offer a Great Service: How will your products make a real difference?
5. Design Great Marketing: Why should this organization matter to others?
6. Perfect a Great Sales Process: How will you engage and educate customers to buy-in to your mission?
7. Create a Great Customer Experience: How will you engage them in a extraordinary client experience?
Being a Great Leader Means Not Doing it Alone
You want a team that:
1) Owns the outcomes — has skin in the game — a vested interest in thinking, analyzing and delivering better results than ever before;
2) Builds confidence in others — and isn’t meek accepting or doing the job, but is turned on by the opportunity to prove something or have greater impact;
3) Understands what’s in it for them in everything they’re asked to do;
4) Demonstrates full engagement, and needs to have a voice and to be heard; and
5) Gets paid more, but is worth more, and has more options open and more untapped potential than ever before.
I'll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it's sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot. Kobe BryantBTW, i am a big fan of LA Lakers. So there might be some bias but i can ensure you guys that i state the truth. Bryant just Rocx!!
Good Day. :)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Why young Entrepreneur FAIL
"Face it. Nothing will go as planned. Ever.
Failure is inevitable. Your world will be flipped upside-down on a daily basis, and even the best-laid plans--accompanied by the best intentions--can go belly-up.
To make it as a business owner in the real world, you need to learn to fail like a pro, adapt at will and pay attention to detail in order to make informed decisions that will keep your business moving forward. Your ability to plan for the worst-case scenario and maneuver around unforeseen circumstances will be the keys to finding success as your own boss."
Matt Wilson, Co-Founder of Under30CEO
There a saying, failure give you motivation to try harder. For my believe, i don't believe in failure. You fail because you don't try hard enough. Not enough motivation to be the best. There are many reasons for people to fail. The biggest is your own reason.
Unless you have your reason to fail than there should be no excuses.
For me, i do fail a lot of time in my life. Sometime is good, sometime is not suppose to happen but the fact it just did.
This few days make me realize something. I can't fail some more. There no more reasons for it.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sometime Quit is Right
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sole proprietor or Partnership
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Youth Day
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
What your plan after graduation?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Take Control of Your Future
Dream Big
Think of the most influential people you know. Jay-Z, Oprah, Donald Trump, Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs, Russell Simmons, Coco Channel… What do they all have in common?
They are Entrepreneurs
They’ve risked it all. They’ve failed, they’ve succeeded, they’ve made millions and they’ve given back. This group didn’t grow up to be doctors, lawyers, or accountants like everyone told them to be. Most entrepreneurs didn’t study hard, get good grades, and get a safe secure job. Instead, they forged their own paths and chased their dreams, they made things happen for themselves and live life on their own terms. I think we can all agree it paid off.
They Don’t Work for Their Business, Their Business Works for Them
Entrepreneurs create business systems, and the savviest business systems generate income while their owners sleep. Entrepreneurs leverage other people’s talent and capital to create systems that are far more powerful than they could ever create on their own while providing jobs that feed families and power economies.
How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
Each and every one of us have been giving the opportunity to do something with our lives and create impact no matter how big or small. It is up to us to decide upon the legacy we want to leave for our families, for our communities and for the world. One day our story will come to a close. Will it be a good one?
I believe entrepreneurship is a vehicle to create a better story; one that includes a life of fulfillment, doing something you are passionate about, one that creates change and affects those around you in a positive way. We believe you can make lots of money and also do lots of good at the same time. The days of cut-throat capitalism are nearing their end; trends are shifting towards creating businesses that are both lucrative in profit and socially conscious.
Stop Doing Shit You Hate!
Maybe, you are stuck in the 9-5 right now. Maybe you are about to graduate and all your friends are signing away their freedom to work in a cubicle and you are starting to panic. No longer are we forced into a situation where we are viewed as numbers on a spreadsheet where our job can be slashed at any second. We don’t have to work a job where our boss disrespects us or worse yet, where we are totally unstimulated by our day to day lives.
We’ve all seen how most people go through their entire lives fighting to get to middle management, just to work longer hours so they can leverage themselves into bigger mortgages. Why can’t we play during the day and make money at night? We are here to tell you how to get started playing by your own rules and controlling your own destiny.
Think This is For You?
Now that you’re all pumped up and ready to dive into your business it’s time to snap back to reality.
What did all of those entrepreneurs above have in common? Their success took hard work, time, sacrifices, dedication and most of all passion. None of them made a name for themselves overnight but rather they had a goal in mind and let nothing get in the way of it.
Your business will require the same hard work, time, sacrifice, dedication and passion to get to where you want it to be. Not only will it be difficult, but it can actually be downright miserable. Starting a business will probably be the singlemost challenging thing you will do in your life.
Why do it?
We will tell you right here not start your business for the money but rather start it because it is something you are passionate about. Start it because you want to make a difference in the world by solving a problem. If the solution is good enough you will find a way to create an amazing living at it.
Why passion over money?
Quite simply, in the early days you won’t have any money! Don’t try and motivate yourself with something you don’t have because you will quickly burn out. Instead motivate yourself with the addiction you have to working on your business. We are addicted to helping young entrepreneurs and motivating people to make a difference in their lives. It’s time for you to get addicted to what you do.
Maybe you are addicted to snowboarding, partying, volunteering, dating, driving, drawing or something even crazier. That is the best part. The things that your friends see as weekend fun or after work activities are what you get to do each and every day. Putting 20hour days into your company becomes fun rather than work, especially when your business solves a problem.
You Are in Control
At the end of the day there is really only one thing that matters. You control tomorrow. You are not restricted by upper management or the mundane tasks that have been laid out for you. You also don’t have to wait 6 months for your evaluation to get your raise. If you work hard and make things happen you can get that raise tomorrow.
It is all up to you. It won’t be easy and you will go through ups and downs, but there is a reason people put themselves through the insecurity and uncertainty of entrepreneurship. You learn, you improve, you keep pushing and when you find the right solution nothing feels better.
The reality is entrepreneurship is not the key to riches but the key to whatever you put your mind to.
This is an article i read moment ago from Under30CEO. Hope to share it with you guys. Take control of your future, not the future control you. Most of my friends already got placement for their internship, that a great news but i really hope to do my own business during internship but that never happen. Maybe because is the period we needed to learn from the others. So i ask most of my friends here, what your plan upon graduation, some aim for MNC, some aim for small company in their hometown. Not one thinking on having their own business. My plan is to work for few years and will stop and set up my own company, but plan may changes. Hope my intern able to help me decide this.
Many people do have great potential in their selves but they did not realize it. They have the idea to make it happen but do not dare to take the step. I meet a person who said, if you have an idea, believe in it and just make it happen. That what i intend to do.
Anyhow, hope you guys enjoy your intern. My next topic, does education really important?
Good Day. :)
Wall Street
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Path to Success
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Challenges and Risk
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
When it comes to developing a marketing concept in small business marketing, most small business owners do not have a clear idea of what they want to achieve through marketing. They ended up spending a ton of money to roll out the marketing concept, and yet do not generate the return they desire.
There are three marketing misconceptions that often occur when it comes to marketing small businesses.If the competitor is giving out flyers, they will give out more flyers. If the competitor advertises in newspapers, they will advertise more in newspapers.
But doing what everyone else is doing,isn't going to get you very far ahead of your competitors!
To really get ahead, you need to get creative and leverage on alternative marketing channels such as social media marketing, that your competitors may not be utilizing.
Instead of just branding, small businesses should instead focus on Marketing-Driven Branding. Because marketing can be tested, measured and improved on. Marketing can deliver an immediate return on investment.
The drill bit is just a means to an end. What people want is the benefit (a hole), not the product (the drill bit). If there is something else that does the same job, they'll probably consider buying that something else too!They wanted a HOLE!
My point here is, most small business are marketing their product's features and price. This can be ineffective because...
So, what you should do is, instead of describing the product features, describe the benefits the product can give to the customer. In other words, People are NOT looking for your product,They are looking for a Solution to their Problems!
Stop Marketing the Product,Start Marketing its Benefits!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Dream Business
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Real Estate Business
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Magic of Mistakes
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Blue Ocean Strategy
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Coffee shop Business

Simple yet nice.
Who would actually think of it. Almost half of Malaysia love Coffee. We can see the rising of coffee shop business in the country. Remember the old time when there is only a kopitiam business. Old table, with old chair, the cup is like antique cup. That the old good day, there have kaya toast bread and perfect spot for breakfast.
However, day have change. There are a lot coffee shop such as old town, papa rich, station 1, starbuck, coffee bean and many more but the thing is the price is like triple from the old day. By making it more high class and make the coffee look interesting but actually is the same. This is the evolution of coffee shop in this country. Although there are still old timer coffee shop in outskirt of the town but only few in town area.
Even so, coffee shop business is a very good good business. Malaysian usually go these place to hang out, have breakfast, chit chat, online, reading book, and many more. If i had the chance i will do my own coffee shop myself. Just wait 1 day of course.
So here is a few steps i found online doing some research and more if you want to set up your own coffee shop :
Start with a Business Plan for the Coffee House
1. Every new business should consider making a business plan, which is a report that shows everything possible about the planned business, including start up busness financing, and how it will operate.
2. Potential coffee shop business owners can look online, at the library, or at a book vendor for information on making a formal business plan.
3. A business plan includes everything about the business, including location (perhaps the most important decision), city regulations, start-up costs, an advertising plan, hourly cost of doing business (overhead), top income possible (considering customer seating, employees, etc.), and such.
4. A business plan may be necessary for business financing with a bank loan, city approval, etc., as well as acting as a “map” for running the coffee business in the future.
Business Advice from a Coffee House Owner
1. Talk to your city and find out about impact fees, regulations, and permit obligations.
2. Be in love with your product; get the best product you can get.
3. Know your customers; know their wants and needs and the demographics of the clientele you will be serving.
4. Be involved in your community; support the local sports programs with fundraiser advertising, for instance.
What Customers Like in a Local Coffee Shop
According to customers, some reasons for the popularity of this particular coffee house are:
1. Friendly small-town service
2. Good drinks and food
3. Fun and funky atmosphere set in an old house
4. Good location in the center of town
5. Pleasant mix of background music
6. Outside seating for sunny days
7. Frequent customer reward stamp-cards
8. Comfortable seating
9. Free Wi-Fi for getting work and emailing accomplished
Other Things to Think About Before Starting One's Own Small Business
1. Owning a business is often more work than it is glamorous.
2. Expect to put in a lot of hours to get a business running, especially in the first year.
3. Consider finances carefully. Permits cost money. Machinery breaks. Employees quit.
4. Most new small businesses fail in the first year. Have a back-up plan or two, especially business financing.
5. Rejoice at small steps like the first dollar earned, the first month making a profit, and the one-hundredth customer. These memories will help get through difficulties.Instant success is rare. Owners need tough skins and a can-do attitude.
Good Day. :)