So what actually is Entrepreneur ? This the question...
Businessman and Entrepreneur are not the same. There a slight different between this 2 meaning. However, their common goal of course is to make money.
There are a million ways to do that. Me myself did a few of those million ways.
I did a trading business on selling fashion clothes through online. Reason cause it save cost. However, is not really a business yet cause i did not register it. Is something like through an agent.
Besides that, my University convocation happen last week and i got to knew from my friend of this place selling cheap doll. I know this market is a bloom market since 2 years in Uni. So i ask my friends to join in together. Learn a lot within this 1 week. However, is just a short term business.
My real business is yet to shine is still under planning and is about to bloom in market about few more months. Can't wait for it. Is a blue ocean business where nobody did it before.
This is so far my Entrepreneur adventure. I hope to bloom more but facing short of capital. All it takes now is time and money.
P.S: Congrat to my seniors who had graduated.
"Graduation is just the beginning"
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