Friday, November 5, 2010

Take Control of Your Future

Dream Big

Think of the most influential people you know. Jay-Z, Oprah, Donald Trump, Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs, Russell Simmons, Coco Channel… What do they all have in common?

They are Entrepreneurs

They’ve risked it all. They’ve failed, they’ve succeeded, they’ve made millions and they’ve given back. This group didn’t grow up to be doctors, lawyers, or accountants like everyone told them to be. Most entrepreneurs didn’t study hard, get good grades, and get a safe secure job. Instead, they forged their own paths and chased their dreams, they made things happen for themselves and live life on their own terms. I think we can all agree it paid off.

They Don’t Work for Their Business, Their Business Works for Them

Entrepreneurs create business systems, and the savviest business systems generate income while their owners sleep. Entrepreneurs leverage other people’s talent and capital to create systems that are far more powerful than they could ever create on their own while providing jobs that feed families and power economies.

How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

Each and every one of us have been giving the opportunity to do something with our lives and create impact no matter how big or small. It is up to us to decide upon the legacy we want to leave for our families, for our communities and for the world. One day our story will come to a close. Will it be a good one?

I believe entrepreneurship is a vehicle to create a better story; one that includes a life of fulfillment, doing something you are passionate about, one that creates change and affects those around you in a positive way. We believe you can make lots of money and also do lots of good at the same time. The days of cut-throat capitalism are nearing their end; trends are shifting towards creating businesses that are both lucrative in profit and socially conscious.

Stop Doing Shit You Hate!

Maybe, you are stuck in the 9-5 right now. Maybe you are about to graduate and all your friends are signing away their freedom to work in a cubicle and you are starting to panic. No longer are we forced into a situation where we are viewed as numbers on a spreadsheet where our job can be slashed at any second. We don’t have to work a job where our boss disrespects us or worse yet, where we are totally unstimulated by our day to day lives.

We’ve all seen how most people go through their entire lives fighting to get to middle management, just to work longer hours so they can leverage themselves into bigger mortgages. Why can’t we play during the day and make money at night? We are here to tell you how to get started playing by your own rules and controlling your own destiny.

Think This is For You?

Now that you’re all pumped up and ready to dive into your business it’s time to snap back to reality.

What did all of those entrepreneurs above have in common? Their success took hard work, time, sacrifices, dedication and most of all passion. None of them made a name for themselves overnight but rather they had a goal in mind and let nothing get in the way of it.

Your business will require the same hard work, time, sacrifice, dedication and passion to get to where you want it to be. Not only will it be difficult, but it can actually be downright miserable. Starting a business will probably be the singlemost challenging thing you will do in your life.

Why do it?

We will tell you right here not start your business for the money but rather start it because it is something you are passionate about. Start it because you want to make a difference in the world by solving a problem. If the solution is good enough you will find a way to create an amazing living at it.

Why passion over money?

Quite simply, in the early days you won’t have any money! Don’t try and motivate yourself with something you don’t have because you will quickly burn out. Instead motivate yourself with the addiction you have to working on your business. We are addicted to helping young entrepreneurs and motivating people to make a difference in their lives. It’s time for you to get addicted to what you do.

Maybe you are addicted to snowboarding, partying, volunteering, dating, driving, drawing or something even crazier. That is the best part. The things that your friends see as weekend fun or after work activities are what you get to do each and every day. Putting 20hour days into your company becomes fun rather than work, especially when your business solves a problem.

You Are in Control

At the end of the day there is really only one thing that matters. You control tomorrow. You are not restricted by upper management or the mundane tasks that have been laid out for you. You also don’t have to wait 6 months for your evaluation to get your raise. If you work hard and make things happen you can get that raise tomorrow.

It is all up to you. It won’t be easy and you will go through ups and downs, but there is a reason people put themselves through the insecurity and uncertainty of entrepreneurship. You learn, you improve, you keep pushing and when you find the right solution nothing feels better.

The reality is entrepreneurship is not the key to riches but the key to whatever you put your mind to.

This is an article i read moment ago from Under30CEO. Hope to share it with you guys. Take control of your future, not the future control you. Most of my friends already got placement for their internship, that a great news but i really hope to do my own business during internship but that never happen. Maybe because is the period we needed to learn from the others. So i ask most of my friends here, what your plan upon graduation, some aim for MNC, some aim for small company in their hometown. Not one thinking on having their own business. My plan is to work for few years and will stop and set up my own company, but plan may changes. Hope my intern able to help me decide this.

Many people do have great potential in their selves but they did not realize it. They have the idea to make it happen but do not dare to take the step. I meet a person who said, if you have an idea, believe in it and just make it happen. That what i intend to do.

Anyhow, hope you guys enjoy your intern. My next topic, does education really important?

Good Day. :)


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