Saturday, December 25, 2010

How Bali people doing business?

I just went to Bali this week. Is a great trip overall, awesome place. Too bad we have limited time to tour the whole island. If there a choices, i would like to go there again.

Now, what i observe when my vacation in Bali. Before i went, as i told you all before in my previous post where i went to this ASEAN talk about how great Indonesia will become in future. It might be true.

Most people in Bali do not come from a well-off family. Most are suffering from poverty and there a few beggars in the street. Not that Malaysia do not have beggars but their people are different from Malaysian.

In what way??
1. Attitude
2. Desire to Survive

Let's compare the attitude, people in Bali are seriously friendly. I mean they greet and smile to you where ever they see you. This show how welcome you are in their place. Not like in Malaysia well we treat everyone with a cold-shoulder.

Desire to Survive? In Bali, is the most hot spot for tourism and hot spot for businessman. You be expecting high-class shopping mall with expensive high-class restaurant. Well, you wrong. The economy mostly are control by the local. With small shop and self made businesses. They needed it to survive. As i walk by the beach i saw people want to rent surfing board to people who wanted to surf. I mean they make an investment to buy the board and rent it to people. I mean is an easy cash flow.

So that it on my experience in Bali. Is great overall.

Good Day. :) & Merry Christmas


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